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Re: [LUG] Recapturing the days of the BBC Micro


On Fri, 21 Mar 2008 22:22:25 +0000
Tony Sumner wrote:

> On Mar 21, 2008, tom was like:
> > where magazines published code in "open source" hard copy
> Oh, yes. I copied out a most useful font editor and designed a Greek
> font, then used View to write my Greek evening class assignments. 
> Another one was a sector editor that I used to recover most of a
> floppy disc when the first track was damaged.
> > ... a set of new programs
> It would be great to get that spirit of the age back. If source code
> what language do you suggest?
> Tony Sumner

I'd vote for Python... purely because it's a language I've been wanting
to learn for ages but never had enough time/effort to do so.

Grant. :D

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