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[LUG] BSD vs GPL.... again....sigh


I know how we like a good license discussion here ;-)

secondlife is GPL licenced,
opensim is BSD licenced,

secondlife is the client, opensim is a free version of the server.

IF you are a secondlife developer and you dare try to contribute
anything to opensim the developers run in the other direction with
there fingers in their ears going "lalalalala" They are *that*
paranoid that some one may lift something out of the GPL code and
place it in the BSD code and they might get sued so if you get
associated with secondlife code in anyway you are forever banned at
contributing to opensim.

It is to the extent that they are treating the client as if it was
closed source and reverse engining the protocol as if the source was
not available.

IS this a reasonable stance, or a paranoid one without good reason?

If the BSD code was to copy large chunks of GPL code (and inherit the
GPL responsibilities) all this would actually do is in force the GPL,
must share the code if you modify on the whole project. Is this true?
The only way some one could be sued was if a 3rd party took the code
(with GPL bits) and built a closed product with modifications (and not
releasing the source) thus infringing the gpl?

Any views?


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