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Re: [LUG] OT: Telly signal quality


Neil Williams wrote:

> Digital problems drop the entire channel and usually 5 or 6 either side
> for as much as an hour.
> Taking into account the average "quality" of digital TV, that means that
> I can easily lose all watchable TV at random intervals and for
> indeterminate durations. 

I'm surprised by this.  We get our freeview signal from a transmitter
about thirty miles away without anything even resembling line of sight
(the Quantocks are in the way).  It's not actually our closest
transmitter, but carries a larger selection of channels and broadcasts
at higher power than the closer one.  We only get the occasional
compression artefact on-screen when there's a very brief problem with
the signal.  I've never noticed complete loss of a channel for a long
period of time.

We do however have a new aerial, new cabling, and an amplifier as near
to the masthead as possible.  After that, the cable runs to my mythtv
box must be close to 50m each (the length of the house and a drop from
the attic to the cellar.

With the previous aerial, C5 didn't exist, C4 was snowy and my TV cards
couldn't even get signal lock for Freeview.


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