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Re: [LUG] OT: Mobile phone 0800 and 0845 free time


On Tuesday 04 March 2008 23:27, Simon Williams wrote:
> I know this is a bit OT but does anyone know or know how I can find out
> which networks allow me to use my free minutes on 0800 and 0845 numbers
> (and better yet 0870 numbers but I highly doubt it)?
> I know O2 did last year, but I don't know if they still do. Orange
> definitely don't.
Since the whole point of a mobile is to take money from suckers I doubt any of 
them do. 
Our phone (and hence broadband) went down in the 'storm' friday night and it 
cost us nearly £30 to get BT to do anything about it - using mobile phones to 
They dont seem to have a number to report faulty fault reporting eqpt!
Tom te tom te tom

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