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[LUG] getchar for bash?


Does anyone know of a way that I can read *one* char at a time from 
standard input in bash?

I keep writing short (3 line) C programs to do this, but it's a bit 
annoying having to compile it.

I should probably be using regex for this, but I can't work it out and I 
swear it's much easier just to do it with getchar and loops. I guess the 
main point is that I want to operate on a stream of chars rather than 
line by line.

Basically, I have a huge block of text with arbitrary newlines (which 
should be ignored completely- I've used "tr -d '\n'" for this so far), 
and email addresses scattered all over the place. I want to extract 
these addresses and print them to standard out. I think the regex for 
this should be '[a-zA-Z0-9]*@[a-zA-Z0-9]*', but I can't figure out how 
to get sed or grep (what should I be using for this?) to output just the 
bit that matches instead of the whole darn line.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.

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