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Re: [LUG] Forum on things open source


> Second, It might be a good opportunity to demonstrate some open
> source technology, even to run the powerpoint presentations through
> linux.  I don't have enough confidence in my linux skills to do this
> but If anyone else thinks they are up to it let me know.
> Looking forward to any response
> Best wishes
> Aaron
> --

two ways to perhaps view powerpoint through a linux install

1. use crossover office and install powerpoint
2. use openoffice.org impress, and import the presentation,  may be the 
solution using all open source software.

you could perhaps download the opencd, as this has openoffice.org on it, 
and print some lables off, and perhaps give these away to anyone who 
asks where to get the openoffice from.



Support open file formats use ISO 26300 Open Document format
as used by openoffice.org,  http:///www.openoffice.org

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