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Re: [LUG] Wireless Lan Adapter


Richard Brown wrote:

> I want to install a wireless Lan USB stick. The box says it is an
> Addon GWU190, the USB devices list in KInfocentre says it is a Realtek
> RTL8187.

Quite normal. Its the chipset that's important and in this case its a

> Any ideas how I might find a driver for Ubuntu and then more
> importantly how I install said driver and leave it installed so on
> bootup it works please?

It doesn't appear that the RTL8187 is present in stock kernels it looks
like the driver can be found at


Quickly reading the page you will probably need to get the latest CVS
version. (Follow sourceforge CVS instructions).

You will need to install your kernel headers package(note i assume
kernel headers on ubuntu are the same as Debian, ie properly configured)
and i think the kernel-kbuild package is required also:-


apt-get install kernel-headers-2.6.??
apt-get install kernel-kbuild

you might need to install gcc, make etc as well

Then you can just follow the instructions to build the module. Probably
go into directory from CVS download and run a make, this should produce
a rtl8187.ko (or something like that).

Its now possible to test the module with a insmod ./rt8187.ko (or what
ever its called).

You will also need to install "wireless-tools" and possibly "wpa-supplicant"

Ok if you get this far it is quite easy to get it to run at boot, just
"make install" to place the module in the correct location and then edit
/etc/network/interfaces. Details to follow if required.

Robin Cornelius

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