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[LUG] kernel modules question - problem


G'day all,

I have a pci card that requires a module to be loaded for it to work.

The module is called EtCM.o and was compiled with 2.4.21-37.ELsmp.

I am trying, without much success, to install it onto a fc4 linux box  
[root@blenny EtCM]# uname -r

>>From research it looks like 2.6 kenels need .ko module names and not .o  

I am trying to get the vendor to compile for a newer kernel but I don't  
think that is going to fly, they have eol'd the card (I have asked if  
they will release the code since it is eol but I won't hold my breath  
on that one)

What other options do I have, I don't want to drop to an older kernel,  
but it might be the only solution.

It used to get installed using...
insmod -f /usr/lib/eicon/conf/EtCM/EtCM.o ec_nbuf=128 ec_nreq=256  

But insmod seems to have lost the -f flag, not sure that would have  
helped in any case.

I tried using another distros module but that just came up with other  
erros about missing modules.

insmod /lib/modules/2.6.11-1.1369_FC4smp/eicon/EtCM.ko ec_nbuf=128  
ec_nreq=256 ec_watchtime=30
FATAL: Error inserting EtCM (/lib/modules/2.6.11-1.1369_FC4smp/eicon/ 
EtCM.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)
[root@blenny EtCM]# dmesg|tail
EtCM: Unknown symbol ecios_mem_write
EtCM: disagrees about version of symbol struct_module
EtCM: disagrees about version of symbol struct_module
EtCM: no version magic, tainting kernel.
EtCM: Unknown symbol _STEChrdw
EtCM: Unknown symbol _ECCMlana2dev
EtCM: Unknown symbol ecios_mem_read
EtCM: Unknown symbol EtEC_register_iface
EtCM: Unknown symbol _ECCMinstoken
EtCM: Unknown symbol ecios_mem_write

I am not sure what these are really...

So what does the collective wisdom suggest?

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