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[LUG] Introduction


Just joined this list and thought I'd introduce myself.

My name is Anton,

I currently work in Norwich as a programmer (using,
boo hiss, M$ stuff, like c# and asp.net) but plan to
return to Plymouth (where all my family live, and where
I grew up) at some point in 2004 (hense I am on this
list and not ALUG)

As far as linux goes, I am currently not very good with
linux, but am slowly learning more.  There are things
I know I should be doing, but aren't.  Like I don't think
I've set our home network up very well.  I'm sure if
I did it properly, we would all be able to see our email
regardless of what pc we are on, instead of there being
one machine that has it on.  

Currently use linux for:
Email: Currently use KMail as our email client.  Have
been thinking of trying out Mozilla's mail client, but
am not really sure that it will be better?

Web Browsing: Use Mozilla for this.

Converting my website to php: Use Kate for this.

FTP: Use command line for this.  A bit primitive perhaps,
compared to some of the GUI ones I've use in windoze,
but effective.  And reminds me of when I first learned ftp
at uni, which was also command line.

Slideshow: Sometimes use a Pixie file list to slideshow
through my image collection.  Mainly when I'm working
on the other computer and want something nice to look
at when I glance round.

And thats about it really.  As I say, I'm really new to all
this, and haven't had enough time to learn as much
as I'd have liked.


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