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[LUG] CSS reference extended, as requested

After some discussions with Neil(S)+Rick about website design, CSS and 
standards, I decided to put more information on the codehelp site on just 
what is possible in CSS1. This is NOT a continuation of the digs at Neil(S) 
or Rick but a friendly and constructive result of our discussions. Rick asked 
about how to learn more about CSS and I saw that my own site was a little 
short on information, so I've rectified it. The community spoke and now the 
community can benefit from the response. (It also means I can shout more 
about HTML/CSS standards.)

I have updated the 'deprecated' list to include full details of which CSS 
properties to use to replace HTML tags that are not part of the new HTML4.01 

There is a new page giving full details of CSS1 and CSS2 - the Complete 
It's an index page, giving details of all parts of CSS and linking into the 
glossary for detailed information on how to use all CSS1 properties. (If it 
ain't there it don't work!)

Each CSS1 and a few of the better supported CSS2 property descriptions in the 
glossary have been updated and more examples have been added. This now 
includes all HTML4 tags, all HTML4 attributes, all CSS1 properties and all 
Javascript 1.2 methods, syntax, elements and event handlers. The glossary is 
also fully searchable.

All pages listed above are standard compliant (HTML4.01 Strict, XHTML1.0 
Strict or those with examples of older tags or Javascript enabled forms: 
HTML4.01 Transitional.)

So, dare I say it meeself, but, there ain't much excuse now for bad website 

The tools are on hand, the proof is there for all to see that standards do not 
have to have any discernible impact on the 'quality' look of the site. (Ducks 
before someone comments about ego and door width).

To judge how up-to-date with CSS your favourite browser really is, hop along 

If the blue box overlaps the red box, you ain't quite there yet. 
Konqueror 3.1.0 (KDE 3.1) gets it wrong.
Mozilla 1.3 (Mandrake 9.1) gets it right.

(The test is based on the correct implementation of the z-index CSS2 property. 
The rest of CSS2 will have to wait until I have a browser that implements 
more of it! I can't put it onto the site until I can test it.)


Neil Williams


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