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Re: [LUG] ntp sync in redhat?

Kai Hendry wrote:

How does one setup ntp syncing typically on RH? I know how to do it in Debian.
apt-get install ntpdate. English ntp servers? pinging around freeserve
ntp?.freeserve.co.uk reveals nothing. Perhaps ntp2.cam.ac.uk ?

RH typically installs NTP anyway, you just edit /etc/init.d/ntp
and /etc/ntp.conf to have appropriate settings, and
'/etc/init.d/ntp start'

Face it for most people setting the NTPDATE server, so it sets
the clock right at boot is enough for most people, assuming the
uptimes aren't too huge for the clock to drift. My desktop box
rarely gets past 30 days before I do something weird to it, or
have a power cut.

My Finnish laptop's time is set in EET time. It should be converted to GMT I
assume, no? Or is mine wrong too?

Your e-mails claim to be 2 hours in the future, but they declare
that in the header, so they are sorted using GMT in my mail

You can always sort by thread in mutt... :)

I can sort by thread, but I've only just deleted the SPAM filter
that said anything dated before 2001 is junk (hey I never
updated it for 2002).

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