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Re: [LUG] Power off shutdown

On 30-Sep-2002 at 16:54:05 Tony Atkin wrote:
I find that the ability of a pc to let the operating system turn it off
varies with the hardware.  Works fine on my work machine, but linux
(whatever flavour) has never been able to achieve it on my home machine,
even though win98 seems to know how to do it.  I don't think it's a
problem, shutting down from kdm or with "shutdown -h now" or whatever,
provided linux goes through its own shutdown procedures and ends up with
something like "ok to power down" or "reached runlevel 0" you can just
pull the plug.

At home and at work I've found that it is not the APM as such that is
required but the APCI (or whatever) bit of the kernel (using redhat).
Without it I had the above scenario, by trying different things out on the
kernel rebuild it seemed that APCI was the thing required. Shutdown
now goes the whole way and turns off the system power. However, it will
depend on your bios/hardware understanding the relevant calls as well.


John Horne, University of Plymouth, UK           Tel: +44 (0)1752 233914
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