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RE: [LUG] Penguin in your pocket

On Fri, 2002-08-02 at 12:17, Rich Smith wrote:
It's a full preinstalled Linux/Java PDA it runs emendix on kernel 2.4.6.
Go to http://www.sharp-usa.com/products/ModelDetailedSpecs/0,1161,698,00.html
for the specs. Another good site to look at the software available is 
http://zaurus.loveslinux.com or http://www.killefiz.de/zaurus/ .
And the cost....well its £445 but its worth every penny I promise ;)

The best thing is being able to get to a dinky command prompt and then fire up 
vi !!!

quite a cool lil' device all told, i had a tinker tonight (2600 meet)
_may_ try to pursuade the other half to let me get one....

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