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Re: [LUG] GnuPG signatures

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On Tuesday 18 June 2002 4:27 pm, Nicholas John Murison wrote:
I'll be working on developing a transparent public key encryption system
for e-mails as my dissertation next year, so the uptake of such schemes
is very much an interest of mine.


this brought up somethign i was having problems with last night.

I've written a filter for perl that accepts mail just as it's about to be 
written to a transport, finds the body, encrypts it (using specified users 
public key), and then writes it to the mailspool, all very easy in exim.

However, i'm using Crypt::OpenPGP, which works great for gpg, but users using 
PGPfW seems to barf with "armour now in ascii format".

any ideas what this means ?

more to the point, which bloody algorythms get used with which versions? GnuPG
uses symmetric cipher Rijndael for encryptyion, compression with zlib, and 
uses modification detection code.  It signs using RIPE-MD/160 digest, and 
packet format is version 4.

which is good. except.... what the hell does PGPfW understand, 'cause it 
doesn't like my OpenPGP signed mails.

btw, debian appeared to lack a libcrypt-openpgp-perl package, so i'v ecreated 
it (and a number of it's deps) at http://theo.me.uk/downloads/debian/.  there 
are also a few other packages i look after/create there.

~ Theo

- -- 

Theo Zourzouvillys

You have an unusual magnetic personality.  Don't walk too close to
metal objects which are not fastened down.
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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