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Re: [LUG] Usb HDD

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jon Still" <jon@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <list@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2002 6:22 PM
Subject: Re: [LUG] Usb HDD

Now, my question is: what kind of disk is it, what kind of physical size
(dimensions) is it and where  did you get it from and how much :)  (OK,
so it's not one question, so sue me) :)

Well the drive is 32megs,it comes as FAT16 though I can partition it as any
filesytem I like!, its about 2ins(old money) long comes with a write
protection switch and drive busy light.It uses Nand gate flash memory,and
yep I cant boot from it Yet :) have downloaded a mini distro based on
slackware 5.3( I think) will boot from floppy use ram disk and once up put
bigger files on USB drive such as X and any other useful things I can
squeeze on there I like blackbox.

thanks for the tips anyhow will email with any interesting developments

Try this:


This appears to be generic info on USB drives but as the USB interface
for such things is relatively standard, this should work.  Also you
might want to try running fdisk on the device for the disk itself (as
opposed to a partition) to see what type filesystem it's formatted with.

As for USB booting - don't count on it.  AFAIK *very* few motherboards
support it.  You may be better off with one of the mini-cd distributions
(e.g. Linuxcare Bootable tools or the Bootable Business Card (lnx-bbc)).


On Tuesday, February 5, 2002, at 09:36 PM, lee quick wrote:

Evening all has anyone had any experience with Usb drives, i have just
got hold of a 32meg pen drive but have no idea how to access it from
within linux?

The drive has been detected on my usb hub, and i have the required 2.4+
kernel needed for the drive but apart from knowing its there im a bit
lost as to what to put in the fstab file if i put anything in there at

would normally try to solve this problem myself but several google
searches have come up blank.

any clues would be appreciated, going to see if my mainboard supports
booting from flash memory devices and if so will try to shove a linux
system onto the Usb drive! linux where ever i go :)

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Jon Still                               E-mail: jon@xxxxxxxxxxx
System Administrator                    Web:    http://www.tertial.org/
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