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Re: [LUG] Apache: only serve documents a day or more old?

Eek - holding up e-mail for 24 hours is in danger of throwing
the baby out with the bath water. Why not just use the Post
Office, or is that in danger of spreading "real" viruses between

If they are being told e-mail only works on Windows, well it is
easy to tell them otherwise.

Word documents "easy to secure" - hmm someone should tell
Microsoft how to do it then ;)

The answer to the active content in e-mail problem is to not use
formats that send active content, or badly written mail clients
that can be conned into executing too much, or OSes that provide
too little protection against malicious code. 

I've built systems that do it, and sell a firewall that does it
as part of it's SMTP proxy. The real question is why the hell
didn't the Pentagon whitelist acceptable file formats before the
viruses started sending random documents out by e-mail.

24 hours for antivirus software to be updated and delivered -
not a chance - it may happen occasionally but in my experience
it is usually days or weeks before updates appear, although
often the virus isn't that widespread in the early days.
Certainly one of the recent IIS viruses was around and scanning
for the IIS to IIS part of the transfer several days before
antivirus experts got the code disassembled and started telling
us exactly what it was doing.

Surely we shouldn't have to tell doctors that the way to avoid
getting infected by viruses is good hygiene, and proper
protocols for the handling of hazardous materials. Not just
stocking up on antibiotics, and antiviral agents ;)

You'd only open a vial with some nasty unknown viral agent in a
fume cupboard, or with negative pressure safeguards, to contain
leakage in the event of an accident. I don't see mail
attachments being so very different.

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