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[LUG] Newbie: ISP ConfRej/ProtRej problems

       Since I installed SuSE 7.1 on my box I have had connection problems with
       my ISP (pgen.net) and, once connected, throughput is often below 100b/s.

       Looking at /var/log/localmessages (which I've posted below) reveals that I
       have been sent some Rejection messages. The ConfRej seems to be
       negotiated and agreed upon. But the ProtRej appears to proceed without any
       ConfAck from my end and why do I send a CCP message when we are
       negotiating IPCP?

       Another curious thing is that when I log off after using Kppp I get a
       "can't locate module ppp0" in the console log. Now I've always thought a
       connection could not be made unless the relevant ppp modules were up
       and running?

       I've tried using both Kppp and Wvdial to log on. Wvdial often
       produces a "ppp died with exit code 10" message but Kppp always
       connects OK! Also Wvdial (when it does connect) doesn't produce a
       "can't locate module" message!
       Kppp's log indicates that 3-4 attempts at dialing are made before
       a connection is achieved (44600bs/42bis). This may be something to do
       with the IPCP compress VJ negotiation because the ISP sends an address
       here of either, or 212.140212.7.
       At least I do connect! 

       Has anyone any comments about what is going on here? And, hopefully
       a solution suitable for a newbie?


/var/log/localmessages with passwords replaced by "ReMoVeD" and unnecessary
data removed.

14:00:31 : Plugin /usr/lib/passwordfd.so loaded.
14:00:31 : pppd 2.4.0 started by keith, uid 500
14:00:31 : Perms of /dev/ttyS0 are ok, no 'mesg n' neccesary.
14:00:31 : using channel 3
14:00:31 : Using interface ppp0
14:00:31 : Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/ttyS0
14:00:31 : sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 <asyncmap 0x0> <magic 0x9d7bf49e> <pcomp> 
14:00:31 : rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x4a <asyncmap 0xa0000> <auth chap MD5> 
<magic 0x96f0bca7> <pcomp> <accomp> <mrru 1524> <endpoint [local:ReMoVeD]>]
14:00:31 : sent [LCP ConfRej id=0x4a <mrru 1524>]
14:00:31 : rcvd [LCP ConfAck id=0x1 <asyncmap 0x0> <magic 0x9d7bf49e> <pcomp> 
14:00:31 : rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x4b <asyncmap 0xa0000> <auth chap MD5> 
<magic 0x96f0bca7> <pcomp> <accomp> <endpoint [local:ReMoVeD]>]
14:00:31 : sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x4b <asyncmap 0xa0000> <auth chap MD5> 
<magic 0x96f0bca7> <pcomp> <accomp> <endpoint [local:ReMoVeD]>]
14:00:31 : sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x0 magic=0x9d7bf49e]
14:00:31 : rcvd [CHAP Challenge id=0x4d <21cf3fd5c1014534ccd9152863781fba>, 
name = "ReMoVeD"]
14:00:31 : sent [CHAP Response id=0x4d <6f1f262c7e1840c6f983538f51dd0874>, 
name = "ReMoVeD"]
14:00:31 : rcvd [LCP EchoRep id=0x0 magic=0x96f0bca7]
14:00:32 : rcvd [CHAP Success id=0x4d ""]
14:00:32 : sent [IPCP ConfReq id=0x1 <addr> <compress VJ 0f 01> 
<ms-dns1> <ms-dns3>]
14:00:32 : sent [CCP ConfReq id=0x1 <deflate 15> <deflate(old#) 15> <bsd v1 
14:00:32 : rcvd [IPCP ConfReq id=0x91 <compress VJ 0f 00> <addr>]
14:00:32 : sent [IPCP ConfAck id=0x91 <compress VJ 0f 00> <addr>]
14:00:32 : rcvd [IPCP ConfNak id=0x1 <addr> <ms-dns1> <ms-dns3>]
14:00:32 : sent [IPCP ConfReq id=0x2 <addr> <compress VJ 0f 01> 
<ms-dns1> <ms-dns3>]
14:00:32 : rcvd [LCP ProtRej id=0xf6 80 fd 01 01 00 0f 1a 04 78 00 18 04 78 
00 15 03 2f]
14:00:33 : rcvd [IPCP ConfAck id=0x2 <addr> <compress VJ 0f 01> 
<ms-dns1> <ms-dns3>]
14:00:33 : local  IP address
14:00:33 : remote IP address
14:00:33 : primary   DNS address
14:00:33 : secondary DNS address
14:00:33 : Script /etc/ppp/ip-up started (pid 900)
14:00:33 : Script /etc/ppp/ip-up finished (pid 900), status = 0x0       

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