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Re: [LUG] I hope an interesting question on real-world systems

Simon Waters wrote:

Okay I get as far (REDHAT 7.0) as the postgres build at the end
of tclinstall (called at the end of install.sh).

I built progres and installed in /usr/local/pgsql.
Removed ./drug_programs/pgsql, and replaced it with a symbolic
Created a directory /usr/local/pgsql/data and chown'ed it to the
user running the app.

I then ran the remaining Postgres set up commands from

I cd'ed into drug_programs and ran ./start.sh

First time I had some odd problems, rerunning everything seemed
to work.

Postgres as ever is brilliant and simple.

Angelcising it is principally going to come down to how
different UK workflow is from what it does. I don't think there
are specific technical issues.

Lot of patient information is not needed in the UK for NHS
consultations. Insurers, HMO's etc. This will unclutter the
interface. Much of the rest will need a doctor or two to look

The fax integration is to fax stuff to private medical insurers.

Some of the intergration stuff have been done nicely, but I hate
the gui. Odd layouts, cluttered windows, strange widgets.
Performance wasn't lightening fast either!

Many bits just leave me cold - perhaps if you've seen Alex
working it you might have a clearer idea of what goes where -
how things fit together.

BrowserX looked like an interesting integration of Web Browser
and mail client. I didn't manage to work the diary first time,
and have to get some sleep in if Exeter is to defeat Plymouth at
Chess tomorrow.

Much of promise, but some other things make me cringe.

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