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[LUG] Two kernels on One partition

I am considering installing and compiling a newer kernel (2.4.14 or
2.4.16 from Linux Format DVD) on my Mandrake 7.2 which currently has
2.2.17. I notice that my current source in in the path
/usr/src/linux-2.2.17, presumably the newer kernel will create a new
directory and that it would be OK to both kernel source directories, is
this a safe assumption to make? I notice that there is a link
/usr/src/linux -> linux-2.2.17/ can anyone explain why this exists and
should I point it at the new kernel source directory? When I do `make
modules_install' will this create a new modules directory and leave my
old modules directory intact? Will a standard kernel (i.e. not a
Mandrake kernel) be compatible with my current Mandrake 7.2

Happy new year.

Andrew Rogers

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