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[LUG] custom pipe-auth.pl for jabberd2

Not sure if this is a question for here (for jabber admins) or 
devonandcornwall.pm (for perl stuff), but here goes:

I'm setting up a jabberd2 on a test box, and I'm using the pipe authentication 
method so I can write a custom script to handle the user authentication as the 
plan is to integrate it into another system.

Jabberd supplies my script with the user password in base64 format, and I use 
MIME::Base64's decode_base64 function to decode it (as per the example script - 

However, what this function is returning isn't in plaintext so authentication 
will always fail.

Should I be doing something else after decode_base64(), or in fact does anyone 
know what I should be expecting from jabberd instead?


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