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Re: [LUG] Urgent debian help needed! :-(

Jon wrote:
Sorry to bother you again but us n00bies keep breaking stuff in the quest for linux knowledge and understanding ;-)

I did a "apt-get distupgrade" last night in order to upgrade my machine to 'unstable'. Which appear to work fine, except that the suspend broke for some reason so I rebooted and when it came back, the networking didn't work. Indeed it appears PCMCIA card services are completely defunct.

So I did a "/etc/init.d/pcmcia start" and it said "modprobe: can't locate pcmcia_core". There are in fact several pcmcia_core files on my machine, but they are all for older kernel versions. So I'm guessing it's upgraded my kernel version but failed to install all the necessary kernel modules.

So how do I now install the necessaries, given that my networking is now broken? Shall I roll back to an older kernel and install from there? How do I go about that?

Alternatively I could borrow a Windows machine (on an ADSL line) and transfer via floppy or CD if I know what files I need, where to get them from and how to install them on my laptop.

Any help much appreciated (as ever)!



hmm.. newbies "up"grading to unstable.... not a good idea...

Do you know how to upgrade a kernel ? If so, download one and compile it as required.. If not i'll post a quick howto... if that doesn't work, i can send you a woody CD in the post mate..


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