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Re: [LUG] LG CD-Roms "incompatible" with Linux

> Tony Atkin wrote:
> >On Friday 24 October 2003 17:20, Robin Cornelius wrote:
> >
> >
> >>Reported on mandrake's site today that users should not even attempt to
> >>install MDK9.2 if they have a LG cd-rom it will _KILL_ the cd drive!
> >>
> >>
> >
> >My LG cd-rom drive once completely destroyed one of my SuSE cds - loud
> >- shaking the shattered shards out of the drive - that sort of thing.
> >
> >So I guess it's pay back time :-)
> >
> >Tony
> >
> >
> >
> I also had an LG drive that destroyed a Mandrake 7.1 CD, may have been a
> small crack in the centre that spread. The drive regularly failed to
> detect the CD, both before and after the exploding CD. I took the LG
> apart and found some damage to the drive internals.
> Andrew
Well I am going have to be careful here as I have an LG 24/10/40 in situ 2
foot away from my left peg.

I have heard of people being left blind after a cdrom has shattered in a
drive and shrapnel has come out with enough momentum to cause serious
injury. :¬(

I have noticed that sometimes the discs can be quite hot after a session.
Maybe nix varitations spin em a bit faster then winders.


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