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Re: [LUG] http://www.sttechnology.co.uk

Thanks for that Neil

Really good point, I will look into get some kind of page put up, as you describe.
I checked around the site a found another down link. So this will come in handy.

In the mean time we are looking into fixing code standards and getting it browser compliant. Not sure on time scale for this



Neil Williams wrote:

Hash: SHA1

One final thing on http://www.sttechnology.co.uk :

A customised error handling pageset is always appreciated and reflects well on the overall design. At present, http://www.sttechnology.co.uk/services.html gives an ugly server message that really doesn't inspire much confidence.

Not Found

The requested URL /services.html was not found on this server

Even if you have a page that simply blends in with your overall plan and design with a single link back to the home page, it's better than what is there now.

Your visitors will appreciate these small features when you later change or move a page and Google etc. use the old links. You can't prevent people linking to your site and you can't expect visitors to update their bookmarks on a 404 error message when the message doesn't say where to find the new location of the information.

- --

Neil Williams


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