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RE: [LUG] Which OS/Distro for secure production web server

On Sun, 9 Feb 2003, Roland Tarver wrote:

> Thanks for that Nick
> > Oh, and using Apache 2 would be a good idea unless you have a strong
> > reason to do otherwise.
> I'm reasonably experienced with apache 1.3. Is the configuration of apache 2
> much different?

The configuration and administration is basically the same - you
have httpd.conf, .htaccess files, and most of the same directives.
The major changes are the MPMs (which you can probably safely ignore -
there's one which is just the same as 1.3), and the Filters.  The latter
is genuinely useful, because it enables a whole new class of extensions,
and enables some major cleanups, like handling of SSI and SSL that
isn't a ghastly hack as they were before.

If I may blow my own trumpet, I could suggest a look at
for an example of the kind of thing that works nicely with 2.0 but
simply couldn't be done with 1.3.  The comparison with Betsie could
almost be a comparison of the two Apache versions, as most of the
differences are direct consequences of the 2.0 architecture.

Nick Kew

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