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Re: [LUG] Installing Wine

glibc is a standard part of your linux system. 
I found by using:

[me@xxxx]$ locate libc.so.6


[me@xxxx]$ cd /
[me@xxxx]$ find * |grep libc.so.6

you can then, query file:

[me@xxxx]$ rpm -qf /lib/libc.so.6

BTW: other options that are used regular:

rpm -Uvh glibc-2.2.5-22mdk (always use instead of -ivh as it will
install or upgrade depending )
rpm -ql  glibc         List Files in existing installed package
rpm -qi -p  glibc-2.2.5-20mdk.rpm    List Info for package file

I'm sure you will already have this library installed.

You can work out the perl package by repeating the above for yourself.
But needless to say, if you have perl installed, you'll have this

I would suggest that you avoid generic RPMs - Stick to Distro releases,
preferably which match both the major and minor release numbers for the
OS in question.

Win has a great tar ball, that includes all the docs and a self-install
script. The rest is on the net.

If you want real Wine that is starting to work with major apps: 


The best bit of software you will ever buy. Well if nothing else, it is
cutting edge and they are very generous with free downloads of future

IE for linux! But why I here you ask. OK Word 2000 for Linux - Now
doesn't that justify the cost alone.

If it's games your into, WineX from:


Is cutting a path into Linux Gaming, with titles like GTA3 and others
now working. They use a democratic system of voting for what you want
their team to spend man hours coding.

God, I'm rambling again.

On Fri, 2002-12-20 at 16:07, Richard Brown wrote:
Hi Guys

Has anybody installed Wine and tried to use it. I have downloaded the RPM and 
am currently trying to install but....

Dependancy problem
is needed!

Please could you tell me, what are they, how do I get them and how do I 
install them?



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