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Re: [LUG] big list of cool software?

On Friday 19 July 2002 11:48 am, Adrian Midgley wrote:

Is there anything on Windows that's just not got a replacement?

A free text fully indexed database originally from Blackwell.
Very good for random bits of text information, with the capacity to
add pictures and some scriptability, but basically just finds what
you put in there.

I used to use Idealist years ago to catalogue departmental resources 
(books, magazines, student dissertations, equipment etc).  The 
programme was available on the student computer network so anyone 
could access these data.  I also used it as a personal scrappad to 
keep notes on just about anything.  Unfortunately the programme did 
not survive OS upgrades very well (win3.1 to 95/98) and nobody seemed 
inclined to purchase upgrades for idealist. 

I eventually found replacements for both these functions.
For the departmental resources catalogue, I just write html files and 
put them where they can be indexed by htdig.  With an appropriate 
search page anyone on the college intranet can once again search our 
resource catalogue.  For my own scratchpad I use zwiki (a wiki which 
runs on a Zope installation ) - works for me!  Both these solutions 
run on an old P133 - running Linux of course.


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