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RE: [LUG] Squid Question

How do I do that then, ping a web page or something?

Telnet (or I prefer nc - netcat), to port 3130 on localhost, and just
hit enter a few times, or request a page (type 'GET
HTTP://www.google.com/ HTTP1.1' IIRC).

I think I'll do that, I want to use one pc as a 
proxy/gateway, and use a second pc as a workstation getting 
web pages over a local network

It's a one line rule that will remove the need to set up clients on the
Just have a rule the redirects all port 80 traffic though squid, as I
say, there will be examples of this in the ip[tables|chains] docs.

I had a look at 'man squid', and a summary was that the 
config file should be self explainitory, looked at the config 
file, it's all written in network geekaneese (which I dont 
speak too well), is there a squid idiot's guide or something?

Well, explain what you need, and email the sample config to me or the
list. I have set uup squid a few times, but this was about 18 months
ago, however I'm sure I can hack a working prduct.

The other option would be to gimme an account on your box, the choice is


Ian Christian              E-Mail: pookey at pookey dot co dot uk
Tech Officer for Termisoc                  PGP Key ID: 0xD09C10ED
GCC d s: a-- C+++ UL++ P+ !E W++ N+ w M-- PS PGP+ t+ e>++ h+ z**
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