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[LUG] Interesting bit of advocacy: Open source statistical analysis in the news

Couldn't help passing this one on (worth mentioning to your local suits in 
case they are thinking of running a tin-pot dictatorship in their spare time)

A student pointed out to me the article
describing recent testimony by Patrick Ball, the deputy director of
the science and human rights program at the American Association for
the Advancement of Science, at the war crimes trial of Slobodan
Milosevic, the former Yugoslav president.

Mr. Ball testified on a statistical analysis of the patterns of
Albanian deaths and displacement in Kosovo that casts doubt upon
Mr. Milosevic's claim that it was NATO bombing and not Serbian forces
that caused the deaths and displacement.

Mr. Ball makes the point that it is important that he used Open Source
software for this analysis.  The article states

 Ball added it was important to note that human rights work "is best
 served by free software, so that any group who wanted to reproduce my
 work could do so without a huge investment. I did the data processing
 using Python, we used MySQL, and all the data coding teams used Linux
 and Apache.

Paul Hewson, Postgraduate Statistics Student (part-time)
School of Mathematical Sciences, Laver Building,
University of Exeter, North Park Road, EXETER  EX4 4QE, U.K.

tel:   +44 1392 382773 fax: +44 1392 382135
email: P.J.Hewson@xxxxxxxxxxxx
personal home page http://www.maths.ex.ac.uk/Introduction/staff_pgs/Hewson_Paul.html

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