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Re: [LUG] Apache: only serve documents a day or more old?

On Mon, Jan 28, 2002 at 11:47:46AM +0000, Adrian Midgley wrote:

Anyone clever with Apache here?

"clever" is a big word :)

Strip incoming email attachments into a named directory - one for the whole 

Easy enough with Mime::<something appropriate>

Deliver them to users via the intranet webserver - IE the directory from 
which attachments are served is one that the webserver will present.

Not too hard :)

24 hours is enough for the anti-virus companies to have identified
and produced a fix for a virus released yesterday (but substitute 1
hour 4 hours 8 hours 1 week or whatever you like)

Seems fair. And I see you have a nice policy outlined for getting the
mail, on demand (conversion).

Now, using a daemon to copy/mv each incoming file from the ultra-quarantine 
zone into the webserver's directory after 24h is reasonable enough,

However, I'd be inclined to do it on demand. ie. when the user
requests their mailbox, you check it there and then. This means that
there is no reliance on a second app (the daemon) and the process is
done when the user wants, without waiting.

but can one configure Apache to do this from a single directory,
presenting a custom message (defined in the .htaccess file) until 24
h is up, and then agreeing to deliver?

I'd be inclined to let the CGI or Apache module handle it when showing
the mail box. Throw up a flag, or summat. I'd put unsafe attachments
in a directory which is not accesible fromt he web server and solve
the problem with software.

It would also be useful to run the file through word2x or similar
and present that, and perhaps the pragmatic approach is to say

age < 24h   -> ASCII
age =<24h  -> deliver file

I'd include this in the CGI/module.

So ...

When you produce the mailbox summary, mv all attachments that are
older than $period to the download directory. All those containing new
attachments are then shown with a flag.

If the user goes to view a flagged mail, they get all the safe
attachments (text/plain) and other attachments are flagged.

If they insists on downloading the flagged attachments, the cgi/module
converts the attachment and puts it in the download area which is now
serving as a cache too.



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