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Re: [LUG] good or bad?

It will mean a linux version of AOL

You reckon ??

AOL have long had an in house software devlopment project that enables
connection to AOL services  under linux.
A version accidentally (hah !) found it's way onto the net but was extremely
alpha and most people had varying degrees of success. Once connected it
immediately want to upgrade but as no upgrades are availble it crashes.
As it was intended for in house development ordinary user acocunts, names &
passwords didn't really work and in any case it wasn't possible to access the
internet from the software once dialed up and connected anyway.

I used to have quite long & freindly chats with a support technician at AOL who
confirmed that work "in house" was still going on on a linux version but as to
whether AOL buying RH would mean a release; why ?

If it's so universally despised would the take up be that great ?
I only used it on windows so I could get fixed price access & then surf the
internet. I NEVER used the AOL software once connected or thier diabolical
email/news facilities.
So if it did come out for linux that would be the only reason I might use it
until Eurobell (Telewest Broadband ?) offer their fixed price service, which
was the only reason I used BT internet when I had a BT line :-)



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then only left handed people can be said to be in their right minds !

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