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Re: [LUG] I hope an interesting question on real-world systems

Adrian Midgley wrote:

The system is fairly typical in its evolution - growing in place with pieces
being added as the need or desire becomes obvious, rather than deriving from
a waterfall specification and implementation programme or controlled

Yeap - I prefer nicely controlled iteration, but hey TCL is made
for hacking around with these things. Seems to run like a dead
dog, that is probably something silly as Wish/TCL use to run
like a dog on 3(4?)86's.

I see no reason why Open Source should mean less stringent
process models, works for BIND 9, it is much better than Paul's
hacked about BIND 8. Of course it cost a fortune, probably
writing it in C <dig dig>.

I feel that people outside the originating practice might contribute in the
open source tradition to productionising it, and trying out an instal and
picking out generic changes to the package that make it more likely to
compile and run on an arbitrary target are probably the first valuable thing
to add.

Definitely, and more documentation, boring although it maybe,
unless I missed it.

My main aim however is to get a copy running so I can hammer it a bit

Works here after a fashion ;)

I don't think Postgres is a problem skill, I mean I was driving
in Exeter yesterday and just picked a Postgres admin up in
Heavitree by Somerfields, about 100 yards from your practise, so
you aren't looking hard enough ;)

Python with TCL - new one on me. But then TCL and Postgres is a
new one on me, and the excellent Postgres SQL to html features
was a new one on the Postgres administrator (Whose eyes lit up
at the thought when I told him what it could do).

So much open source software so little time.

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