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Re: [LUG] Virus

On Saturday 12 January 2002 8:08 pm, you wrote:
Speaking of viruses, Nimda/code red etc are really beginning to get on my
These damn people who run IIS and don't patch it are driving my web logs
crazy. My var partition isn't massive and it's come close to filling up on
a few occaisions - obviously this would have cripple my server.

Can you re-direct the logs to another machine?

As these viruses are requesting something from my web server, if my sever
served say a file called nimba.ida would I be right in saying that this
would be perfectly legal.

Why not. Make sure it has no payload or consequences other than the file size 
and see what happens. That way you would reduce the impact on the web logs? 
I'm assuming it's 404 reports for this file that are bulking out the 
error.log? I've noticed favicon.ico making a similar dent and when the 
majority of the error.log is 404 favicon.ico, it's time to think about a 
dummy file. (I noticed one website that used the Netscape logo for 
favicon.ico - nice touch.)

I have a script (untested at present) which would cause a popup window on
IIS servers saying that they had a virus.

Traceable to you? If not, OK, but would they take any notice?

I know that code red leaves a huge backdoor on systems that it's infected
and I'm starting to get to the point where I'll take advantage of it and
start leaving some nasty messages for incompetent administrators.

Nasty. Don't let your frustration get the better of you. For one thing it may 
not be worth it, after all, are they going to take any notice of an effect on 
someone else's server?
Not My Problem syndrome? Yes, I know it actually is, but that's the point, 
they are oblivious to the real problem and have already had numerous people 
telling them that they are oblivious to the real problem. Will one more voice 
change their minds?


Neil Williams

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