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RE: [LUG] Wanadoo

I`ve recently been on the look out for a fixed rate dial up and would have
had one to reccomend to you had they not seemingly dissapeared the day after
I started using their free trial.I will keep shtum at the moment about who
they are at the moment, though, as it may just be their website that`s
Jon Davey
--------- Original message --------
From: "Peter Lloyd-Jones" <peter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "DCLUG" <list@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [LUG] Wanadoo
Date: 09-18-04 08:42


My contract with my DSL provider, AOL expires in November and I intend to
change. However I intend to find an ISP which does normal pay as you go in
the mean time. (Like force 9).

However does anyone know any BAD THINGS about using either force9 or Wanadoo
as a Broad Band Provider.

As a aside with my windows machine will sitting quietly in the corner, if I
boot up my linux box the windows machine starts up AOL and Logs on. Weired.


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