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Re: [LUG] Problems with Evolution

On 28/07/04 09:30:14, Peter James wrote:

 Disregard my message to the list.  Nothing works and I can't access
mailbox or contact from within Evolution.

When attempting to access past mail, or contacts etc etc I get the
error message:
"Cannot create folder lock on //home/peter/evolution/local/inbox/ inbox;"
Obviously the message is different according to which ever in or out
box or
contact list I am attempting to access.

what is the output of ls -ld //home/peter/evolution/local/inbox/inbox ls -l //home/peter/evolution/local/inbox/inbox

Why are there two // at the start


Email: mike@xxxxxxxxxxxxx        o
You need only two tools.        o /////
A hammer and duct tape. If it    /@   `\  /) ~
doesn't move and it should use  >  (O)  X<  ~  Fish!!
the hammer. If it moves and      `\___/'  \) ~
shouldn't, use the tape.           \\\

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