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[LUG] wysiwyg html edit | m$ code leak | excellent book

new wysiwyg html editor for linux + windows:
old ones:
(mozilla composer, coffee cup, amaya, IBM Homepage Builder,

Belated comment on Microsoft source code leak:

The Microsoft source code leak could be intentional. By doing this
Microsoft can attack Open Source but not closed source products. How? By
tempting Open Source projects such as Wine to use the Windows code that
has been released.
Any of thier code that is then later found in Open Source is then
attacked legally. Closed source can more easily `copy` code from OSS than
vise-versa because of the less transparency in closed sourced code.
Additionally, OpenSource has little if no legal funding.

Proving it and gaining evidence in favour:

- The code released is one of the more useful of sections of source code
compared to the the rest of the OS to Open Source projects.

- The code released contains IP of a lower value to the corporation.

There may be other ways of finding out more detail.

This message is Open Source, permission to quote at will ;)

Recommeded book (that for me felt like BSD is to linux as linux is to
Windows) "Linux and the Unix Philosophy - Mike Gancarz":

Many thanks.

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