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[LUG] Mail conversions

Once mail is in KMail format (directory/cur/filename) can it be fed back into 
a normal mailbox without having to be forwarded?

I have a working installation of the MHonArc program that archives the DCLUG 
mailing list for testing purposes and I'm thinking of using it to create a 
more friendly archive of personal mail - currently mostly in KMail folders. 

Older versions of KMail used mailbox format files and that makes it easy but 
how easy is it to reverse the import from mailbox to KMail?

One thought was that I could just `tar` the whole folder together - is that 
likely to work?

If not, once recent KMail is backed up, what's the backup restore procedure 
(assuming that the kmailrc configuration file has been lost and therefore the 
name and folder settings lost too.)?


Neil Williams


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