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Re: [LUG] interesting opening to frost widgets and Gillette a market?

On Monday 08 July 2002 14:37, you wrote:
Adrian Midgley wrote:

4% of penguinistas are diabetic

Is this some Linux research project, or are you just guessing
based on the population as a whole?

Population as a whole.

I suspect the Twinkie bars, the canned drinks, caffeine, and the
long periods of physical inactivity could set them up for being
above average ;)

But their average age is less than the average age of the population as a 
whole.  BUt yes, it may be there is a variation in incidence of some diseases 
in programmers etc.

Hmm, the glucomodul project by the same author includes a
reference driver, this is the full driver methods and structure
files, just needing to be fleshed out with details specific to a
known meter.

Assuming the meters don't vary hugely in functionality(?) I'd
think any Linux hardware hacker could knock out a new module
fairly quickly if they have the hardware documentation based on
the template, and a meter to play with.

That is rather what I hoped to hear.

Looks to be just getting started, the original author did his
own meter. So the lack of meter drivers is probably down to how
many people have heard of it, versus how many meters are in
widespread use.

I think this is a useful thing to get out into more general use.
I wonder if people could be worried by some FUD about computer viruses 
potentially injected into Windows by connection to glucose meters.  Hmm,  
come to think of it its a realistic possibility, albeit an unlikely one to 
have been exploited yet.  I wonder if the buffers for the Windows versions of 
the PC software are checked against overruns from a device that is plugged in 
and speaks their protocol to them with a malign accent?

Since they are all closed source, who'd know?

Whereas (he rehearses in paranoid fashion) an open source program ould be 
seen to have protections against buffer overruns and other exploits and thus 
is in principle assurable against attack.
From one of the Linux desktops of Dr Adrian Midgley 

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