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Re: [LUG] Strange network / perl problem

On Tue, Jul 02, 2002 at 05:43:16PM +0100, Theo Zourzouvillys wrote:

open(IPTABLES, "-|", "/sbin/iptables -L cust_acct -n -v -x");

Why do you call that twice?

i call -L cust_acct once, and -L tcp_acct once - one time is for TCP 
accouting, the other for the customers transfer rate.

Gosh, I read them loads and didn;t spot a difference. Doofus!

i've $|=1 now, lets see if that helps, though it shouldn't at all.

Assuming it's the server filling too quickly anyway.

- Does this happen if you run it outside of inetd?

by running from the console? nope... though it seems to be very irregular, so 
can't be 100% sure.

No, I mean running it as its own server, with its own listen()ing and
accept()ing arrangement. Then you could see why the server bailed,
under the same conditions.


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