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[LUG] ADSL again

OK, so BT's satellite ADSL offering is expensive, as they all are: about
£900 for installation, and 60/month. The uplink rate is 152kbit/s - BUT for
some versions (the one it sells wholesale via 3rd parties) it uses a dial-up
return channel, either ISDN or PSTN (ouch!!). As the 'other' Simon said: no
good for interactive stuff, and depending on the coding algorithm used, the
round-trip delay can be upto 700mS.

Finally, here's a little thing I discovered: dial 17070 from your (BT line)
fone. then select options 3, 1, 2. The exchange will ring you back with the
distance of your installation from the exchange in Km. It won't tell you if
you can have ADSL; only the distance :-)


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