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On Mon, 2002-03-04 at 18:26, Simon Waters wrote:
Paul Sutton wrote:

Perhaps it's just the particular archive I have that's dodgy.  Something to
watch on open source day.

I'd assume we would demo a Linux version at the OSD, I didn't
even know, or care, that it ran on Windows.

Strangely enough I found that the Windows version runs considerably
better than the linux one IMHO. There is definitely less of a huge load
time on my machine and it seems to integrate with the O/S nicely and
presents the user with a nicer interface. The StarOffice linux interface
was never my favourite thing, OpenOffice seems to be improving on it but
still has a long way to go under linux. I've never had any trouble with
the help... have used the windows and linux versions for only about 2
1/2 months though.

Dave Trudgian

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