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Re: [LUG] Power Down problems

I have a similar problem with my desktop,  running suse 7.3,  but I had the
same prob with rhl 7.1.  (I recompiled my kernel to remove apm support),
anyway with suse 7.3 I get the graphical shutdown, and a screen info on what
is going on -  then at the end I get a message (can't remember what but it's
not one that indicates major probes,  it should power down at this point,
but does'nt -  a quick flick to one of the other consoles, reveales a gpf
fault,  try cycling through (alt F1 - F10) and see if you have got the same
thing.  you should just be able to switch off, I do and don't get any probs.

OTOH my IPC laptop works a treat and auto power off's


----- Original Message -----
From: "Craig" <craig@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <list@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: 27 January 2002 20:14
Subject: [LUG] Power Down problems

I'm having a strange problem with Mandrake 8.1, kernel 2.4.8. When I
shutdown it comes to the point where it says "Power Down" but then just
reboots. Occasionally it will power down, but very rarely. Does anyone
have any ideas why?

  www.atari-jaguar.8m.net       |o_o |
  craig@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx     |:_/ |
                               //   \ \
                      |||     (|     | )
  Craig Letheren     / | \   /'\_   _/`\

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