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[LUG] gtk.h - problem solved

I mention this purely in the interest of not having an unresolved 
matter on the list archive.

I went mad at the weekend trying to solve my gtk compilation errors 
(recorded in previous message) - here's what I found:

i.   code itself was good :)
ii.  header files located correctly
iii. argument to GCC incorrect.  Here's what I was doing:

gcc -Wall -g source.c -o prog 'gtk-config --cflags --libs'

...whereas it *should* go:

gcc -Wall -g source.c -o prog `gtk-config --cflags --libs`
							  ^                          ^
i.e. the compiler wants you to use the backtick (top left of my 
keyboard) and not an inverted comma.

Look out for this.  On the scale of soul-destroying irritation it 
ranks alongside the missing semicolon.

If anyone on the list is considering using this toolkit for a project 
they might want to contact me as I have built up quite a list of 
little tips I have come across.  MB.

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